A month's worth of social media content ideas for your business
By Julia Sames | December 19, 2023
I don’t know about you, but in my opinion, by far the most difficult part about content creation is coming up with the ideas behind each post.
I often pressure myself to come up with totally new and innovative ideas for my clients: personality quizzes, new meme formats, and save-worthy quotes, straight from my noggin. This is a great creative exercise, but unsustainable when you’re creating 365 posts a year for just one brand.
Sometimes it’s worth reminding yourself that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel every time you post to social media. And more importantly, it’s extremely beneficial to your brand to iterate on existing ideas that have already proven to be successful for other accounts.
The next time your well of creativity is feeling a bit dry, turn here for some inspiration. (Bookmark this post so you don’t forget!) We’ve sorted these all by format: video, carousel, photo, and graphic.
Note: For the video posts, these could come from the brand’s CEO, the face of the brand, or any employee who’s game to show their face on screen!
Talk about your favorite things this week. These could be related to your business, your industry, or totally random.
Dissect a piece of news or a trend in your industry using the green screen filter. Add your own perspective and analysis for what this could mean for your clients. Here’s an example from us!
Show off a random skill you have! This can be related to your business or not. Remember, the point isn’t to sell your business here. It’s to get new people to know and like you.
Share a valuable piece of advice and the story behind how you learned it.
Take people along for a day in your life at work. Film your morning coffee, bits of your meetings, catching up on emails, your lunch break, etc.
Use the greenscreen filter to break down exactly how you helped a certain client get what they wanted.
Share a nice comment or review you received and tell the context behind it.
Tell the story of how you started your business.
Show before and after images and videos from the clients you’ve helped.
Talk about your biggest pet peeve in your industry.
Show behind the scenes footage of how your product or offering is produced. This might look similar to a day in the life video. Just make sure it focuses more on your product and how you make it so awesome.
Break down a common misconception about your product or industry.
Share step-by-step instructions for how someone could DIY your product. (Don’t worry, this won’t keep them from buying yours, because your quality will be much higher! It will just make them more loyal to your brand.)
Ask a question about your industry to your team and include each person’s answer on a slide.
Share some of the bad advice that your ideal customer might encounter, then some good advice that you would replace it with.
Share tools that you use that help make your product so successful.
Share several photos of final products from clients you’ve helped and ask followers to pick a favorite.
What’s something on your team that everyone uses? It could be a piece of equipment specific to your industry or something general like a water bottle. Show photos of what each person’s looks like! (Ideally they’re all slightly different for this to work.)
Compare what’s in and out in your industry.
Share a surprising statistic from your industry as a graph or infographic.
Share a quote you love. It can be relevant to your industry or just one you think more people should see!
Ask a series of would-you-rather questions that your ideal client would find funny.
Answer a frequently asked question.
List some of the ways that your product or service is different from your competitors.
See a meme that’s been making your laugh? Change the copy so it’s relevant to your industry.
Take a photo of your product in the “wild.” If your company is service-based, ask for photos of your clients enjoying it.
Are customers tagging you in photos when they use your product? Ask permission to repost them to your feed, and credit the user in the caption. UGC is the best!
Share a photo of what your desk looks like on a particularly hectic day. People will love to see the chaos behind your success!
Share a photo of you or a team member working or helping a customer.
Grab a group photo of your team together. Selfies count!
Snap a photo of a stack of books that have been helping you improve your business.
Now, need some ideas for the caption?
We have 50 prompts ready for you here!
And if this all sounds like way too much to add to your plate, remember, that’s why we’re here! Let us take your social media game to the next level.
Julia Sames
Julia is a Content Creator for AMR. Julia has always loved reading, cooking extravagant meals, and essentially all activities that take place on or near the water. But now that she lives in Boulder you can add hiking uphill to that list, too.